Tuesday 15 April 2014

Beauty And The Beast by SMI Ipoh

To be honest the drama was quiet short and fast but it was nice! I've enjoyed watching it. NO JOKE! 
Spamming with quiet a lot of pictures below. 

Before the drama start took selfie with the so called shy girl in taking picture.

We are unstoppable once we're united! We maybe be crazy too! :)

Speech from the direction of the drama.

The beginning of the story.

But first let us take a selfie! Lololo.

He handsome prince and belle! Awwwww..


The choir group. They sang quiet well. 

Picture with the belle.

With the beast.

Our #ootd of the night. Very seldom get to see chong wear like that and very seldom can take picture with her because she is shy worrr *Puiiii* But she was looking great on saturday! ;) 

 Were looking tall here! :DD Thanks to the pro photographer a.k.a my bf :P

 Us with beauty and the beast. ^~^

 OMG! This guy was 7 feet tall. I'm so short. But I've be even shorter without heels! T.T

Look at we both shorty! ahahahah! 

OOTD with my boyfriend. We're matching. P.S he copied me! COPY CAT!

Couple Picture.

Thanks for reading stay connect with me on
Instagram and Twitter : @davinachoo

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