Sunday 20 April 2014

Why I started blogging?

On this superlative tedious Sunday, I did'nt know what to do! I thought of blogging then, but then I did'nt know what to blog about, unexpectedly a question burst out of my mind. Guess what question is it?!

Why I started blogging?

Actually I did'nt suddenly started blogging again. Before this started blogging when I was at the age of 13 which was 4 years ago. For the first three years of blogging I used another URL and I fail to remember anything about that blog inclusive of email, password and everything. Well, when I first know my current boyfriend I was blogging in that blog, then for months and I did'nt sign in and that's the cause of why I've create a new blog! Back to this talking point I usually blog anything I like at that time even a blogpost with just 5 lines. Apart from that, I've also blog about about miserable and cheerful moments are all recorded inside it. 

Back to the present, this blog has been 2 years since last year. Now I started blogging seriously because I decided to share my life with you guys. Yes you peeps. *THE ONE WHOSE READING THIS NOW*. Besides, I recently get to know about Nuffnang. To those who doesn't know what is well is Nuffnang basically Asia-Pacific first and leading blog advertising comunity. Then I joined the community it is super duper amazing I could say. Because while blogging you also get to earn money at the same time. Cool right? Besides blogging is actually fun because you get to know more friendly people. You also get to attend an event that is organized by Nuffnang and know more friendly, pretty and awesome bloggers and nuffnangers. 

When I was blogging I also read other blogger's blog like Fourfeetnine, Jessica Chaw, Lumi, Bobostephanie, RachellTan and etc. All of their blog insipired me. 

Back to the point! I took blogger as my diary. To *those haters* who think I blog to get FAME you're totally wrong I can say with confidience! By the way, I know who you are! But I don't care because I enjoy blogging very much and what you say will not change my mind about blogging. 

Thank you for reading! (;

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