Wednesday 5 March 2014

Why Me?

Did you ever felt getting treated like shit sometimes? I admit I do feel it. Because maybe I was'nt that matured that time and that feeling was like 'why do you have to be so sarsactic?!' in my mind obviously. It still happen sometimes now. But I won't just keep quiet now. I will voice up what I think! If you think that's rude or whatever. Same goes to how I think about you. So    STOP TREATING PEOPLE LIKE SHIT IF YOU WANT THEM TO TREAT YOU LIKE HOW YOU WISHED

I was not born to be perfect but that goes same to you. I'll treat you better if you treated me like how you wanted me to treat you back. It's as easy as ABC! ^_^ 

What I hate the most is people controlling my life? Like who I mix with, go out with or who I chat with? Excuse me, I know what I'm doing I don't need you to control me! How about you reflect it back to you. If I control you life will you like it? Obviously no right! You will think why is this freak so busy body! This is mainstream. Just a friendly telling. 

I seriously hate it when I treated you so good as like I talked to you politly and your respond back to me was like so freaking rude! Please learn some manners! Imagine if you go out and talked to someone like that I think he/she will just give a tight slap! I'm just trying to good. So I tolerated you. Did you ever felt like that before? 

I was really thankful because   SOME of my friends was'nt like that. But you know who you are! I'm not trying to pick up a fight here neither just expressing what I felt inside of me. Btw I will have to continue with my homeworks now! Exam is just round the corner. Will make more time to blog more!

Thank you for reading! 

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