Monday 24 February 2014

17th Birthday Celebration

When to had lunch with friends on my birthday. Guess where we when? BEN & LYNNETE! Then we when to watch Vampire Acedemy! The show was super awesome! So here are some picture to sum up my birthday.

Rasberry Orange.

Orange juice.

Hainanese Chicken Chop. Taste great!

Sandwich Train.

Chacoal Burger Tower.

Hawaiian Pizza.

Why am I so short! >< I want to be taller!

Camwhoring in the cinema. She said the pictures with flash are not nice. But try to compare the picture below with has no flash obviously these is much much better. Her photography skills are bad! Oppsss.

Picture with the girls!

Thank you for reading! Hope you did enjoy reading it! Stay tuned for more blogpost! 

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