Wednesday 15 January 2014


When to yea-won with my boyfriend family to celebrate his youngest brother birthday. Here are some pictures.

 Hope you enjoy! 

Ordered Mo Dem B.B.Q because I wanted to try. I was not really nice for me because I'm a person who don't really like Korean Food. But no harm trying right! 

Half cooked.

Korean Sushi Roll.

Green Onion Pancake with Seafood.

Dolsot Bimbimbap Set. It's mainly vegetables inside. 


Fried Rice Cake.

Omellete Rice.

I forgot what is this called but if I'm not mistaken is yan sum. Some ginseng stuff but it's good for health. I drank it I was totally bitter. Ewwww.

But Korean Food are just not my cup of tea. I would prefer Japanese Food more. Anyway, stay tuned for my coming blogpost! 

Thank you for reading my dear readers! 

Saturday 11 January 2014

New Year Resolution 2014

I know I'm pretty late for posting my New Year Resolution now. But it's still a Fresh Start people!

Nothing is too late if you put your effort to achieve something you aim!

New year resolutions. 

1. Get good result in my O-levels exam.
2. Be happy.
3. Lose weight.
4. Save money.
5. Go for trip with love one.
6. Get my gadgets wishlist complete.
7. Spend generously
8. Updating blog regurlarly.
9. Achieve all the resolutions I made.

Any way those are my goals for this year 2014. It's not really easy for me. But I have the confidience that I'm ready to achieve it in the year twenty-fourteen. 

This year, I want to be as happy as I can be, be grateful of what I have and have a postive mindset towards everything. 

What's your new year resolution. Comment and tell me yours. 

Thank you for reading! 
All the best in your new year resolutions my lovely readers! 

Thursday 9 January 2014

42 foodies

Last Sunday on the 5th January 2014, my boyfriend and I when to try out this restaurant. Its been long since they opened I guess. But only got the time to go there that day yea. So I was suppose to update my blog last week but I was too busy with homeworks and now I'm still working on with 2 drafts post.

This restaurant was not that bad and the food I order was nice! Want to know what my boyfriend and I ate? Scroll down and you will know! :)

The decoration was also not so bad.

Weird smile. :/

My boyfriend's drink, Hot Chocolate with Marshamallow.

The floral pillow there are SO PRETTY! I'm currently so in love with floral stuff. 

My Grilled Lamb. The black pepper sause was so unique. Love it alot. 

Boyfriend ordered 42 pizza with egg, ham and pepperoni.