Wednesday 15 January 2014


When to yea-won with my boyfriend family to celebrate his youngest brother birthday. Here are some pictures.

 Hope you enjoy! 

Ordered Mo Dem B.B.Q because I wanted to try. I was not really nice for me because I'm a person who don't really like Korean Food. But no harm trying right! 

Half cooked.

Korean Sushi Roll.

Green Onion Pancake with Seafood.

Dolsot Bimbimbap Set. It's mainly vegetables inside. 


Fried Rice Cake.

Omellete Rice.

I forgot what is this called but if I'm not mistaken is yan sum. Some ginseng stuff but it's good for health. I drank it I was totally bitter. Ewwww.

But Korean Food are just not my cup of tea. I would prefer Japanese Food more. Anyway, stay tuned for my coming blogpost! 

Thank you for reading my dear readers! 

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