Monday 9 December 2013

Why your haters hate you?

Everyone have haters or maybe hate someone even with no reason right? This is very normal in life. Friendly saying even I have someone I hate and someone who hates me and Two Faces Bitch! I know who you are! Trying to be nice in front and backstabbing at the back. But let me tell you something, pay no attention to those who talk behind your back because it simply means you are few steps ahead.

Want to know why you hate someone and have haters? Let me tell you. 

Because you have something they don't - In general because you possess something they don't. Because they realize that life can be unfair, and that some people can have things or do things in life that others can't. Perhaps they even desire what you have but don't quite know how they themselves can achieve those things. 

They think you don't deserve it - They look at your friends, career and etc and think that you are not worthy of these things, because they are looking at things at surface level. They don't care about the hard work you had put in example your sacrifices, worries and fear. Because they are superfical like that.

They don't want to lose you - They see life as some kind of competition like who's richer, who has more friends etc because they want to win you. Their eagerness is to do better then you. They sort of make you their goal, and the further the distance between you and them, the more they hate. That's why your haters never want to hear that you are doing well in anything. 

Because they have nothing better to do in life - We should take pity on them, really. They really don't have much else to spend their energy and time on. Maybe hating on other has sort of becoming a lifestyle to them! HAHAHAH!

Maybe because their life just ain't as great and exciting as yours.

Because they need attention - What haters are most afraid of is silence. They feel their existence when they know that you heard their voice. So don't talk back or argue with them because they just need your response to know that someone actually cares about what they think or what they have to say. Because they are BIGOTS! 

They think they are such self-righteous, moral high priests - No matter, they will always think of themselves as a better person compared to you. They won't feel the need for humility when talking to you because they believe that they will always be right. But we all know that such beings do make the biggest hypocites around.

They are big green-eyed monsters - They are jealous humans. They curse and wish for your downfall because they want you to lose the things you have and they don't. Their are basically fucked-up human beings. 

Because they are unhappy with some things in their own life and they try to make someone else unhappy too by being the nuisance that they are. They want to pull you down to their level of unhappiness. 

They need to put someone down to feel good about themselves. Because they are in general, just losers but losers who need much love. 

So I guess now you know why do someone hates you so much it basically because you are better then them in other ways and they just have nothing better to do in life. HAHAHA!

I think this will be the end of this blogpost. Leave me a comment about what you think and your opinions!  
Thank you for reading! 

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