Saturday 16 November 2013

Hong Kong Part 3

The classic coca-cola bottle. Wish they still have it now. 

Some golf thingy. They are creative because they build the tallest Hong Kong building to attract peoples.

Lan Kwai Fong.

 On the third day, I went to Victoria Peak which is a mountain in the western half of Hong Kong. It is also known as Mountain Austin, and locally as The Peak. With an altitude of 552m, it is the highest mountain on the island.

The tram to go up to the top of the mountain.

Its was very windy amd cold up there. You will be amazed with the view of the whole Hong Kong. 

The Big Bus Tours. Its open air on the top and down is not open air. It will take you tour around western part of Hong Kong.

The most famous dim-sum in Hong Kong. But I did'nt get a change to eat because we waited so long and we could'nt wait already so we decided to have breakfast in a western shop. No worry, I'll surely get to try this next time.

Stay tuned for Hong Kong part 4!

Thank you all for reading! 

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