Monday 11 November 2013

Aegyo Sal

I personally think that boys with aegyo-sal are CUTEE and girls too!

For those who aren't familiar with the Korean term aegyo sal, also known as youthlines or love band in english - it's the puffy pouch that's below your eyes usually when you smile hence it's also known as the eye smile.

To me it's a feature that's really favorable in Korean culture. There's been some mixed opinions on them but I personally think it's REALLY CUUUTEEE!

Do not mistake them for eyebags though. It's easy to confuse the two because they're so close to each other. Eyebags are located at a lower position below aegyo sal.


If someone told you your eye looked puffy, you might get embarrased but in some part of Asia, it's actually a compliment! First, it's important to know that puffy eyes are not the same thing as eye bags. Eye bags are usually darker that your natural skin tone and their sagging look can age you. Puffy eyes are the oppsite, because they are commonly found in children, they're actually supposed to make you look younger! Koreans call puffy eyes "aegyo-sal", which literally means "charming fat". Though it might sound kind of strange, the aegyo-sal look is actually an easy way to give yourself a more sweet, youthful appearence. Some believe that it makes your eye smaller, it makes you look tired, or that is unattractive.

I have aegyo-sal and I like it. Honestly, I never even notice it until I learned about aegyo-sal.
PS : The darkness below my eye are because of the angle I took these pictures.
What do you think?

Thank you all for reading!

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