Tuesday 31 December 2013

Happy New Year Eve 2013

This will be the last blogpost of the year ! 2013 have been very very good to me. How about you?

Before 2013 comes to an end I would like to thank everyone who been so good to me especially my family members, and my boyfriend. My boyfriend is the best. Although we argue for silly things, I bully him most of the time, and he had to tolerate my attitude which is not easy. But he manage to handle it thru out the whole year! So grateful to have him! Of course he is the most awesomest guy I've ever meet but I'll talk about these in another blogpost.

Back to topic...

Not forgetting my friends also because we had a laughter year in school. Everyday laughing like crazy. Don't worry we still have one more year, and we'll be meeting in 2 days time only! We will sure have lots of stuff to talk and laugh about again. Can't waittt!

Without forgetting my HATERS! You have changed me from week to strong! Thanks!

Wishing all my readers happy new year!
Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one! I'll be writing mine on my blogspot feel free to check it out!


2014 is going to be better! 
Thankyou for reading and one last time wishing you a happy new year!

Monday 30 December 2013

Starbucks Drive-Thru, Sunway Tambun

It's been awhile since my last blogpost. Today will be blogging about the first Starbucks Drive-Thru in Ipoh! Like finally! They started brewing on 22 December 2013, my anniversary!! Nothing so special about starbucks drive-thru actually.

 Forest Trio. Looks nice but taste weird for me but my baby likes it a lot. Weird baby. 

All time favourite, Signature Hot Chocolate! ;)

The lansi face! SO CUTEEEEE!

Picture with baby boy. My face is so chubby. I want to lose weight on my cheeks! :(

The surrounding, looks so nice!

They started the Starbucks Drive-Thru Sunway on my anniversary! So luckyyyy! 

Thank you for reading, love you all my dear readers!

Saturday 21 December 2013

Christmas 2013

Christmas is around the corner again after a year! I have a christmas outfit these year from an insta shop! The material of the dress is super smooth and comfy! Felt in love with the material. Wanna get yourself a dress too? Read more to found out where to buy! 

A pimple scar on my nose? :O btw I love my hair colour here its looks like dye but fyi I didn't dye my virgin hair before.




My lips looks nice here. :X

Looking good with spec?

BYE READERS! Stay tuned for my coming blogpost about my floral crown! 

Christmas dress from littleparis_my

MERRY CHRISTMAS to my dear readers! Comment what you think about this blogpost! :)
Thank you for reading!