Thursday 21 November 2013

Hangout with girlfriends - 20112013

Lunch with girlfriends at Daorae Korean BBQ Restaurant. 

I forgot what is these called but is seriously not nice. It's tasteless. BLUEKK!

Kimchi Ramen.

Cold Noodle.

 BEEFFF! This is definitely more nicer then the dunno called what up there. 


Korean Pancake. It's damn delicious I swear. 


Pictures with girlfriends.

A proper picture of all of us.
From the left : Agnes, Kar Meng, Ooi, Me, Nicole, Chia Chuen. 

 Eating watermelon also wanna take picture. HAHAHA!

 Instax Polaroid Flims with girlfriends.

Somehow I don't know why I look kinda fat here. I'll blame the non-profesional photographer. But at least I'm way much thinner in real life then these picture. AHAHAHHAHA! 

Thank you all for reading! 

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